
Plausible Concept

Bad North is developed by Plausible Concept, a brand new independent game studio in Malmö, Southern Sweden, founded by Oskar Stalberg and Richard Meredith.

We want to take our extensive experience on much larger projects and focus that down on creating something smaller and more personal with Bad North.


The Team


Oskar Stålberg


Art, Design, "Programming", etc.

Previously a Technical Artist at Ubisoft and Unity Developer at UsTwo. Oskar made a name for himself online with his procedural generation demos and is now bringing all that experience together into driving the development of Bad North.

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Richard Meredith


Programming, Design, Biz Dev.

Richard has been making games professionally for 7 years, coming from a background in design / tech on the LittleBigPlanet franchise and Little Nightmares. 

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Martin Kvale

Audio & Music

Martin is a Norwegian sound designer. His work includes games like Hidden Folks, GoNNER, Among The Sleep, Teslagrad, Progress to 100 and Accounting VR to name a few.

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