Release, Bugs and Patching Plan

Update: Patch 1.01 is now released, fixing several of these issues. Patch 1.02 is out of development and in for review, which fixes most of the rest of these issues.

Hi Everyone! It's been a crazy few days for us: surprise releasing Bad North the Nintendo Direct on Monday and being at Gamescom showing off the game all week! Thanks to everyone who's been playing the game and feeding back and an extra big thanks to those of you that have been reporting bugs.

Unfortunately, it turns out there are a some rare, but quite nasty bugs in the release version of Bad North. The good news is that we've already started fixing these and will be working to get patches to you ASAP. Due to the nature of patching on console this can take a little bit of time. Here is a status update on some of the issues we have and potential workarounds until the fixes get patched:

Enemies Stop Spawning (Fixed in 1.01)

This bug will prevent enemies (and ships) from spawning on an island, causing the island to be incomplete. This bug is fixed in patch 1.01. 


If you encounter this issue

  1. Quit the game from the System Software and reload your save. This will take you back to the map before you entered the island.

  2. Try to find an alternative route without playing the broken island then you can continue.

If there is no alternative route then you may be able to flee past this level. Take 1 squad on the island and try to avoid the vikings long enough to escape on their ships (note, you'll need a ship large enough for your squad). Fleeing will unlock one island ahead, so you should be able to continue.

If you're not brave enough to flee, or you experience this on the final level, you will need to start a new game, but you can have up to 5 ongoing at once, so you'll be able to return to this run when patch 1.01 lands.

Immortal Enemies (partially fixed in 1.01 / 1.02)

There are a few cases where vikings can become impossible to kill, or don't register as dead, making a level unbeatable. We have fixed some of these things for patch 1.01 and will continue to investigate further fixes for future patches.


If you encounter an immortal enemy:

  1. Quit the game from the System Software and reload your save. This will take you back to the map before you entered the island.

  2. You can replay the same island, as immortal enemies occur randomly and are not linked to a specific level.

Glitched Terrain (fixed in 1.02)

We've had a couple of reports of strange terrain appearing - you can't tell your troops to walk on it and the units will walk through the walls, hills, houses etc. We have never seen this in all our testing and are not sure what causes it. We will keep investigating for future patches.


If you encounter this issue:

  1. Exit to the Main Menu and reload your save.

  2. The strange hill should be gone after a restart

Units Become Invisible / Corrupted Portraits

Sometimes units become invisible and / or the portraits for the commanders / banners gets corrupted. We have fixed some instances of this for patch 1.01, but we're unsure if we've fixed all of them.


If you encounter either of these issues, you can try reloading restarting the game through the System Software. Depending on the cause of the bug this may or may not fix the issue.

Infinite Loading Screen (fixed in 1.01)

Occasionally you may experience infinite loading when either generating a campaign, entering a level or loading a campaign. We have fixed at least one instance of this for patch 1.01


If you encounter infinite loading when generating a new campaign:

  1. Quit the game from the System Software

  2. Start a new campaign again - this one should be fine.

If you encounter infinite loading when loading a save, or when entering an island, it is likely that you will be unable to continue on that campaign until patch 1.01. However, you can try quitting the game from the System Software and reload your save. If this gives infinite loading again, then you may wish to start a new game (you can have up to 5 running at the same time) and return to this run once patch 1.01 lands.

Units Fail to Replenish / Flee (partally fixed in 1.02)

We've had a few reports of units refusing to enter houses, or ships failing to disembark when fleeing. We've reduced the chance of having units refuse to go into houses for patch 1.01, but will continue to investigate further fixes


If you encounter units failing to flee / replenish:

  1. Quit the game from the System Software and reload your save. This will take you back to the map before you entered the island.

  2. You can replay the same island, as these issues occur randomly and are not linked to a specific level.

Severe Framerate Issues in Map (fixed in 1.01)

There is an issue on Switch that causes the game to drop to 5-10 fps sometimes in the following locations:

  • Campaign Map

  • Upgrades Menu

  • Deploy Phase (where you choose your squads)

  • End of Level (where you assign coins)

This issue will be fixed in patch 1.01.


If you encounter this issue, you can either fight through at low framerate or leave the device idling for some time in the map screen - the problem should go away after a minute or so.

Reporting Bugs

If you encounter other issues, you can contact Leo, who's our chief tester over at Raw Fury by mailing If you can send us detailed information, video or images that will always be helpful.

Thanks for your continued support and patience with these issues. We're very sorry that some of you have been experiencing bugs and we're working hard to get stuff fixed!